Given a file named "pen.json" with:
"type": "application",
"dependencies": {
"Os": "pen:///os"
Use spawn function
Given a file named "main.pen" with:
main = \(ctx context) none {
f = go(\() none { none })
When I successfully run pen build
Then I successfully run ./app
Use race function
Given a file named "main.pen" with:
import Os'Process
main = \(ctx context) none {
xs = race([[none] [none none]])
if [x, ...xs] = xs {
} else {
Process'Exit(ctx.Os, 1)
When I successfully run pen build
Then I successfully run ./app
Use race function with multiple lists
Given a file named "main.pen" with:
import Os'Process
main = \(ctx context) none {
xs = race([[none] [none none], [none none]])
if [x, ...xs] = xs {
} else {
Process'Exit(ctx.Os, 1)
When I successfully run pen build
Then I successfully run ./app
Use race function to get the first result
Given a file named "main.pen" with:
import Os'Context { Context }
import Os'Process
import Os'Time
main = \(ctx context) none {
xs = race([[boolean]
[boolean (\() boolean { loop(ctx.Os) false })()],
[boolean true],
if [x, ...xs] = xs {
if x() {
} else {
Process'Exit(ctx.Os, 1)
} else {
Process'Exit(ctx.Os, 1)
loop = \(ctx Context) none {
Time'Sleep(ctx, 1)
When I successfully run pen build
Then I successfully run ./app
Use race function and get all elements
Given a file named "main.pen" with:
import Os'Process
main = \(ctx context) none {
xs = race([[none] [none none], [none none]])
if xs == [none none, none] {
} else {
Process'Exit(ctx.Os, 1)
When I successfully run pen build
Then I successfully run ./app