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Given a file named "pen.json" with:

  "type": "library",
  "dependencies": {}

Create an empty map

Given a file named "Foo.pen" with:

f = \() {string: number} {
  {string: number}

When I successfully run pen build

Then the exit status should be 0.

Create a map with an entry

Given a file named "Foo.pen" with:

f = \() {string: number} {
  {string: number "foo": 42}

When I successfully run pen build

Then the exit status should be 0.

Create a map with two elements

Given a file named "Foo.pen" with:

f = \() {string: number} {
  {string: number "foo": 1, "bar": 2}

When I successfully run pen build

Then the exit status should be 0.

Get a value in a map

Given a file named "Foo.pen" with:

f = \(xs {string: number}) number {
  if x = xs["foo"] {
  } else {

When I successfully run pen build

Then the exit status should be 0.

Merge maps

Given a file named "Foo.pen" with:

f = \(xs {string: number}) {string: number} {
  {string: number ...xs, ...xs}

When I successfully run pen build

Then the exit status should be 0.

Merge a map of different types

Given a file named "Foo.pen" with:

f = \(xs {string: number}) {string | none: number | none} {
  {string | none: number | none ...xs}

When I successfully run pen build

Then the exit status should be 0.

Create a map of a union type key

Given a file named "Foo.pen" with:

f = \() {string|none:number} {
  {string|none:number "foo": 1, none: 2}

When I successfully run pen build

Then the exit status should be 0.

Create a map of a union type value

Given a file named "Foo.pen" with:

f = \() {string: number | none} {
  {string: number | none "foo": 42, "bar": none}

When I successfully run pen build

Then the exit status should be 0.

Iterate map keys

Given a file named "Foo.pen" with:

f = \(xs {string: number}) [string] {

When I successfully run pen build

Then the exit status should be 0.

Iterate map values

Given a file named "Foo.pen" with:

f = \(xs {string: number}) [number] {

When I successfully run pen build

Then the exit status should be 0.

Get a size of a map

Given a file named "Foo.pen" with:

f = \(xs {string: number}) number {

When I run pen build

Then the exit status should be 0.

Delete an entry of a map

Given a file named "Foo.pen" with:

f = \(xs {string: number}) {string: number} {
  delete(xs, "foo")

When I run pen build

Then the exit status should be 0.