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Given a file named "pen.json" with:

  "type": "library",
  "dependencies": {}

Create a record with a field

Given a file named "Foo.pen" with:

type r {
  x number

f = \() r {
  r{x: 42}

When I run pen build

Then the exit status should be 0.

Create a record with two fields

Given a file named "Foo.pen" with:

type r {
  x number
  y none

f = \() r {
  r{x: 42, y: none}

When I run pen build

Then the exit status should be 0.

Create a record with no field

Given a file named "Foo.pen" with:

type r {}

f = \() r {

When I run pen build

Then the exit status should be 0.

Update a record

Given a file named "Foo.pen" with:

type r {
  x number
  y none

f = \(x r) r {
  r{...x, y: none}

When I run pen build

Then the exit status should be 0.

Get a field in a record

Given a file named "Foo.pen" with:

type r {
  x number

f = \(x r) number {

When I run pen build

Then the exit status should be 0.

Use an equal operator

Given a file named "Foo.pen" with:

type r {
  x number

f = \(x r, y r) boolean {
  x == y

When I run pen build

Then the exit status should be 0.

Use a not-equal operator

Given a file named "Foo.pen" with:

type r {
  x number

f = \(x r, y r) boolean {
  x == y

When I run pen build

Then the exit status should be 0.

Propagate openness of a record

Given a file named "Foo.pen" with:

type Foo {
  X number

And a file named "Bar.pen" with:

import 'Foo

Bar = \() Foo'Foo {
  Foo'Foo{X: 42}

And a file named "Baz.pen" with:

import 'Bar

f = \() number {

When I run pen build

Then the exit status should be 0.